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Unkempt Plot Process:

Allotment plots are a great way to grow your own fruits, vegetables, and flowers. However, these plots should be maintained and cultivated regularly in order to yield the best results. Keeping your plot tidy and well maintained will also ensure that it remains attractive and safe for other allotment users.


Unkempt plots can become overgrown and unproductive, and may even be a nuisance to other allotment owners. It is important to ensure that your plot is kept well maintained and cultivated. Cultivation is deemed to be the planting and growing of vegetables, fruit bushes and flowers. As a guide approximately 65% of a plot at Millfield should be used for the cultivation of vegetables, whilst the remaining 35% can be used for fruit, flowers, grass and the siting of sheds, greenhouses and polytunnels.


Each year the Committee will appoint an inspection panel and schedule regular inspections of plots that are timely, fair and appropriate to the season to ensure the undertaking by tenants are adhered to. All allotment tenants have an obligation to cooperate in such inspections.


Procedures for non-cultivation will be fair, and made known at the outset to any tenant against whom action is proposed, by order of the following process:


1) A plot is inspected and deemed to be unkempt, or lacking in adequate cultivation in line with the tenancy agreement as set out by Millfield Allotments Association and Faversham Town Council.


2) The Millfield Allotments Association Committee is notified of the unsatisfactory condition of the plot in question.


3) The plot holder is contacted by the Association Secretary to advise on the outcome of the inspection. A warning letter is sent to the plot holder and retained on record by the Secretary.


4) A re-inspection of the plot is conducted 28 days after the warning letter is sent. Failure to bring the plot up to the required standard plot will result in the termination of the tenancy agreement, with a termination letter being issued by the Secretary. Upon termination of the tenancy agreement, the plot holder must vacate the plot, taking all of their belongings with them.


5) The plot will then be let to a new tenant.

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