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Water Leak - *Updated 1st October*

The Committee have identified that there is currently a water leak on our underground pipe network, and so regretfully, the taps around the allotments have had to be turned off. The water leak is substantial, and so it is not financially or environmentally appropriate for the Committee to allow the tap water to remain free for use.

On Saturday 4th May the vehicle track was made inaccessible to allow digging work to be completed to attempt to locate the leak. The leak was located onsite, and so this will need to be repaired prior to the water being turned back on. At this time it is unclear on how long this will take, however the Committee will provide an update as soon as water is available again.

Plotholders are asked to be resourceful in catching as much rainwater and conserving as much water as possible until the leak is resolved.

*Update 16th May 2024* The Committee continue to engage with South East Water to locate and rectify the leak. Water remains unavailable.

Four intermediate bulk containers have been purchased and will be installed beside the Garden Room and WC to maximise our collection of rainwater. This water will then be usable by all allotment plot holders. We hope to have these installed over the weekend of 18th/19th May.

*Update 23rd May 2024*

The Committee continue to seek to rectify the water supply issues affecting Millfield Allotments. Faversham Town Council have assisted in identifying the source of the leak, and will be onsite in the coming days to continue to find a resolution.

The intermediate bulk containers have now arrived, and will be repositioned outside the garden room. Once South East Water have visited the allotments, we will look to find a way to fill the containers for use.

The Committee are also assessing all options for a permanent solution, including the installation of a new water supply pipe. All options are being considered at this time.

*Update 6th June 2024*

Fortunately there is rain forecast this week. Please continue to make use of the water troughs and butts on site sparingly, and consider additional rain collection opportunities on your plot.

The Committee have met with contractors to seek to restore the permanent water supply to the allotments. At this time we are waiting for quotes to be returned for rectification works, and once these have been produced this can be progressed.

*Update 17th June 2024*

Today the water was turned on by employees of Faversham Town Council to allow one of the water containers to be filled. The Sharing Area has been moved to allow this container to be connected to the toilet guttering to boost our collection of rainwater. It has been filled on this occasion by Faversham Town Council with a hosepipe to ensure water remains available to allow the toilet to continue to operate. Please do not use the water in this container to water your plot, as it is imperative we keep the toilet available for use.

At this stage the Committee cannot confirm when this issue will be resolved, as we are awaiting a reply from South East Water with a quotation for a new mains connection.

*Update 30th June 2024*

We are still awaiting a response from South East Water with a quote for some of the repair work. An update from the Chair and Secretary will be published in due course, and circulated through our various communication means.

Current water levels in the IBCs:

Garden Room:

Shelter (beside raised beds):

Please continue to use the water sparingly.

*Update 6th July 2024*

Update from the Secretary:

The Committee have made considerable progress on the water supply issue. As you can imagine, this is a complicated process due to the number of agencies involved.

We have now received quotes for the 'moling' of the new supply pipe and we are awaiting a quote from SE Water for connection. SE Water have said we should have their quote by 18th July. Fingers crossed...

Once we have the full costings, we will know if we have enough money to go ahead or will need to fundraise. We have already started the process of applying for grants but we need more financial details to progress with these applications.

Most of you have now probably seen the IBC tanks on site. These are currently being looked after by FTC so that we can have some water onsite and be able to flush the toilet. We are very grateful for their help. 

You are very welcome to use them but please consider their use mainly for the watering of new plants/seedlings and for people who may not be able to carry water to the plot.

We now have 3 out of 4 of these tanks set up to collect rain water from the roofs of our buildings.

*Update 8th July 2024*

Current water levels:

Garden Room:


*Update 22nd August 2024*

Following a successful grant application to Bensted's Charity, the Committee have met and agreed the next steps for the installation of the new water supply into the site. Essentially, we now have the funds to proceed with the quotation to mole a new water supply pipe to our allotment site. We have now paid South East Water for the connection charge and our contractor has confirmed that he is able to do the work. We are now waiting for a start date on this. All plotholders will be notified once we have a start date for the works. This post will also be updated.

The new supply pipe will be attached to our existing pipework in the top car park which will, in turn, feed all of our standpipes across the site. The committee have also started to plan for 'Phase 2' which will be to renew all of our pipework across the site to help prevent further leaks in the future. This will require further funding applications. Some of our pipework is over 50 years old!

Thank you to everybody for your patience whilst we have been without water, it has certainly been very challenging! The Committee hope this brings some good news to everyone.

*Update 1st October 2024*

Following a very short 1 day weather delay to the agreed schedule, works on the laying of the new water pipe are commencing this morning!

Vehicular access to the site will be maintained most of the time, with metal covers placed over the holes to allow vehicles to use the track. Please be patient to allow the contractors to ensure the route is safe prior to using the track.


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