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Plot Holder Responsibilities:

Millfield Allotments is a community of like-minded individuals who all share a love of gardening and growing their own food. We provide a secure and friendly environment for our plot holders to develop their skills, make new connections, and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of gardening. We strive to create an environment that promotes sustainable and organic gardening practices, with respect to the environment and the wider Faversham community.

In return we ask that plot holders take pride in their plots, and require that plot holders ensure their actions and the actions of those present on their plot are in line with the Tenancy Agreement and their responsibilities as a plot holder.


Plot holders must agree to abide by the following:


1. Actively Worked Plots:

To ensure that they keep their plot clean, free from weeds, in a good state of fertility and cultivation at all times. Cultivation is deemed to be the planting and growing of vegetables and fruit bushes and flowers. Strimmed grass does not count as cultivation.


2. Crop Allocation:

As a guide approximately sixty five percent of a plot should be used for the cultivation and production of vegetables, the remaining thirty five percent can be used for fruit, flowers, grass, and shed / greenhouse areas.


3. Pathway Maintenance:

To keep all paths adjoining the plot cut (if grass) and in serviceable use and well maintained at all times.


4. Nuisance:

Not to cause nuisance to any other tenant nor to any local resident in any matter of site use and access.


5. Obstructions:

Not to permit trees and plants on their plot to encroach over roadways, paths and neighbours plots. The Committee will have the right to cut back any offending growth if necessary.


6. Trees:

Plot holders should ensure all fruit trees planted on their allotment plots should be on dwarf root stock.  All trees should be pruned so they do not grow taller than two meters high and fruit trees pruned for fruit production. No nut trees to be planted and trees should not be planted along the boundaries of an allotment plot.


7. Litter and Waste:

To ensure that plots are free from rubbish such as old tyres, bottles, and waste matter and should strive to keep plots tidy and well-kept at all times. Waste is not permitted to be brought onto the allotment site from external sources.


8. Organic Material:

Not to deposit within the site any rubbish or decaying matter except manure and compost in such quantities as may reasonably be used for cultivation.


9. Waste Removal:

To compost or reuse all matter arising from the cultivation of their plot. Any matter that is not compostable or reusable must be burnt or removed from the site by the tenant.


10. Bonfires:

Bonfires are permitted on plots throughout the year. The times at which a bonfire can be lit depend on the season and weather. Plot holders will only light a bonfire, or permit a bonfire to be lit, in accordance with this criteria. More information, including the times bonfires are permitted, can be found on our Bonfires page.


11. Structures:

To respect the measurement guide for sheds and greenhouses which should not be more than 1.8 meters x 1.2 meters. Sheds larger than this will not be permitted without prior consent from the Millfield Allotments Committee.


12. Dogs:

To neither bring nor cause to be brought into the allotment site any dog unless it is under control at all times and belongs to the tenant (does not apply to Public Right of Way through the site).


13. Unauthorised Persons:

To respect that the elected Committee shall have the right to refuse entry of any unauthorised person (a member of the tenant’s family is exempt from this ruling) unless that unauthorised person is accompanied by the tenant or a member of the Committee.


14. Children:

To neither bring nor cause to be brought into the allotment site any child unless he/she is under the supervision of the tenant at all times.


15. Others' Property:

To respect all installations, buildings and fixtures whether the property of Faversham Town Council, the collective property of all tenants or the Allotments Association.


16. Inspections:

The Committee will appoint an inspection committee and schedule monthly inspections of plots that are timely, fair and appropriate to the season to ensure the undertaking by tenants are adhered to. All allotment tenants have an obligation to cooperate in such inspections. Procedures for non-cultivation will be fair, and made known at the outset to any tenant against whom action is proposed by way of a warning letter. Failure to bring the plot up to standard will result in the termination of the tenancy agreement.


These responsibilities are designed to ensure that all of our members are able to enjoy their allotment in a safe and secure environment, and aid the Committee in the smooth running of the site. We strive to make Millfield Allotments a place that everyone can enjoy and feel proud to be a part of.


Full details of all responsibilities held by individual plot holders, as well as Millfield Allotments Association, can be found in the Tenancy Agreement on our Document Library page.

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