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Growing Success:

At our allotment, we are incredibly proud of our growing efforts.


Each year our plot holders grow a wide variety of different fruits, vegetables, plants and flowers, and our plot holders are very creative with their harvest. They produce a variety of dishes including pies, tarts, cakes, chutneys, relishes, jams, stews, soups, ice-cream and even alcoholic brews.

Millfield Allotments also donates fresh vegetables and fruits to the Faversham Community Food Share. Plot holders donate their extra crops, which are then taken to the Food Share held at the Faversham Baptist Church, and distributed to those in need. This system has been running for several years and has provided a much-needed contribution to the local community. By donating to the Food Share, plot holders are helping to make a positive difference to the lives of those in need.

The Faversham Horticultural Society also run a series of shows throughout the year, and plot holders are encouraged to showcase the produce they have grown at their allotment by participating in these events. There are a wide variety of categories at each show, including vegetables, flowers, home economics and craft.


Our allotment is a great way to become more self-sufficient and learn more about sustainable growing. If this sounds like something you'd like to get involved in, take a look at our plot applications page.

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