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Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can I grow whatever I like?
    Tenants are permitted to grow most types of plant on their plot, and we actively encourage the growing of fruits, vegetables and flowers. The Committee ask that plots are kept free from weeds. Trees and plants must be maintained so as not to encroach over roadways, paths or neighbouring plots. Trees should be pruned so as not to grow beyond two metres tall. All fruit trees must also be on dwarf root stock, and pruned so as to encourage fruit production. New trees should not be planted along plot boundaries. Plot holders are not permitted to plant any form of nut tree on their plot.
  • Can I have a bonfire on my plot?
    Bonfires are permitted at Millfield Allotments, subject to seasonal restrictions. From October to March, bonfires are permissible from 1 p.m. From April to September, bonfires can be lit from 3 p.m. ​ Bonfires must be kept small and contained. Bonfires should be contained within incinerators where possible or within the designated area on the site. ​ Additionally, no bonfires may be lit if the wind is blowing westerly towards the housing along Cheney Road. If the wind should change direction at any time we would ask plot holders to extinguish the bonfire. All bonfires must be well supervised and extinguished before leaving the allotment, and should not be allowed to burn overnight. Bonfires should not be left unattended and accelerants are not permitted to be used to start or maintain bonfires. ​ Plot holders are not permitted to bring rubbish onto the site to burn at any time. An annual bonfire social event, organised by the Millfield Allotments Association, is held in October. Visit our Events Calendar to find out when the next bonfire event is being held.
  • Are dogs allowed at the allotment site?
    Dogs are permitted on a tenant's plot, provided they are kept under control at all times and belong to the plot holder. Dogs must not be allowed to roam the site or to set foot on another tenant's plot. Dogs should be kept within your line of sight. Dogs must also not be allowed to cause a nuisance to any other tenant, nor any local resident. All dog waste must be picked up and placed into the dog waste bin located at the vehicular entrance gate beside Millfield Road. Dogs are of course permitted to pass through the site along the designated Public Right of Way.
  • How big is a plot and how much will it cost?
    Millfield Allotments has a variety of different plots available to cater to different needs. Full plots are 10 rods (approx. 250 sq m), with half plots measuring 5 rods. There are also a number of raised bed plots, which are smaller and perfect for those with limited mobility. These plots are surrounded by paving slabs, making the ground flatter and better in all weather. Annual plot rental fees vary slightly year on year. For the year 2023-2024, rates were fixed at £4.00 per rod, with a full plot of 10 rods being £40.00 for the year. On acceptance of a plot, a £20.00 security deposit will be paid, as well as a £20.00 access gate key deposit. These deposits are refundable at the end of your tenancy agreement should the plot be left in an adequate condition and on safe return of the keys. Concessionary plot rental rates are available for plot holders over the age of 60 with a full 10 rod plot. The concessionary rate is £30.00 for a full plot, a reduction of £10.00.
  • Can I add a shed, greenhouse, or polytunnel to my plot?
    Yes you can. A shed, greenhouse or polytunnel may be installed on your plot provided it does not measure more than 1.8 metres by 1.2 metres. No concrete base may be installed without prior authorisation from Millfield Allotments Association Committee. The overall cultivated area used to grow vegetables on a plot must remain at 65%, with the other 35% available for the growing of fruits, flowers, grass, or siting of sheds, greenhouses and polytunnels.
  • Is there parking available?
    Yes there is. We have a large main car park just through the entrance gates from Millfield Road. There are also two smaller car parks located within the allotment site, to allow better access to some of the plots further from the entrance. See our Site Map here.
  • How do I dispose of waste and rubbish on my plot?
    It is the responsibility of each plot holder to dispose of waste and rubbish from their plot. Plots must be kept free of tyres, bottles, and any other waste matter. In addition, plot holders are not permitted to bring rubbish or waste onto the site to burn at any time. If a plot holder has an unwanted item on their plot that still has a use and is in a usable condition, the easiest way to pass this on may be to use the Sharing Area. Located beside the toilet, the Sharing Area is a communal space where gardeners can donate items such as tools, seeds, and other gardening materials. Items can also be taken from the Sharing Area, free of charge.
  • What facilities are available at Millfield Allotments?
    There are a wide variety of facilities available at the site, including a large number of water faucets providing mains water, a mains connected toilet, and a social space in the form of the Garden Room. For a small donation plot holders can rent the Association's petrol powered tools, including a strimmer and mower. The allotments also benefit from free regular wood chip deliveries from a local arborist.
  • Who can apply for an allotment?
    To apply for an allotment plot you must be a permanent resident of Faversham, living within one of the Town Council’s Wards (proof of residence will be required for all new tenancies). You must also be aged over 18 years of age. Visit our Plot Applications page for further details.
  • Can I keep bees on my plot?
    Regrettably, no you may not. Millfield Allotments has a dedicated plot for the production of honey, with a number of beehives located onsite. The plot is managed by a tenant, and the honey is sold locally by the Association with profits returning to the upkeep of the site. Bees cover a substantial distance from the hive when foraging for nectar, and so to ensure there is an adequate amount of food available for our current honeybee population, additional hives are not permitted to be situated on plots.
  • Who maintains the paths between allotment plots?
    Maintenance of a communal path used to access a plot is the shared responsibility of the tenants making use of that pathway. If grass, this should be cut regularly to ensure it is in serviceable use. Communal paths should be maintained at all times.
  • How do I apply for a plot?
    Plot applications are made to Faversham Town Council, who manage the waiting list for vacant plots at Millfield Allotments. Full details can be found on the Plot Applications page.
  • Can I keep livestock on my plot?
    The only form of livestock permitted to be kept on a plot at Millfield Allotments are poultry. Any plot holder wishing to keep poultry must approach the Committee and seek authorisation for the keeping of poultry, and must agree to the additional terms as set out in the Millfield Allotments Poultry Agreement. Any poultry kept on Millfield Allotments must be registered with a vet.
  • Are the allotments plots accessible to those with disabilities?
    A number of plots at Millfield Allotments are accessible to those with disabilities. We have a selection of raised bed plots which are specifically designed to accommodate those with disabilities, with slab paving and wider paths between plots. Other areas of the site can become wet and muddy with the change of the seasons.
  • Can I install a pond on my plot?
    Yes you can. A small wildlife or nature pond may be installed on a plot. Ponds are to measure no larger than 1000mm x 1000mm, and must only be to a maximum depth of 300mm. No fish are permitted to be kept in a pond on a plot. Ponds must also have a means for wildlife to get out of the water should they fall in. All ponds at Millfield Allotments must be kept clear of any overgrowth and must be clearly visible, to prevent injury to plot holders. Pond maintenance should be carried out regularly.
  • How much time do I need to spend on my plot?
    Successful allotment gardening requires a commitment to spending time tending to your plot. We recommend 6-8 hours per week is spent on your plot between Spring and Autumn. All plot holders must ensure that 65% of the available space on their plot is used for the cultivation and production of vegetables, and that the communal paths adjoining their plot are well maintained and serviceable.
  • Who's allowed on my plot?
    Plot holders may bring friends and family members onto their plot, provided they are accompanied by the plot holder, or a member of the Committee. Children are permitted on plots so long as they are under the supervision of the tenant at all times. No unauthorised persons may be permitted access to the site at any time.
  • What is considered a cultivated plot?
    Cultivation is deemed to be the planting and growing of vegetables, fruit bushes and flowers. As a guide approximately 65% of a plot should be used for the cultivation of vegetables, whilst the remaining 35% can be used for fruit, flowers, grass and the siting of sheds, greenhouses and polytunnels. Strimmed grass does not count as cultivation.
  • Is the water from the faucets drinking water?
    The water from the faucets at Millfield Allotments comes from an underground pipe which is connected to the mains supply. The water should therefore generally be safe to drink, however Millfield Allotments Association will hold no liability should a plot holder fall ill having consumed any water from the faucets on site.
  • The allotment water is switched off - why is this?
    There are a number of water faucets located across the Millfield Allotments site, however these may not always be in use. Across the winter months or other periods of particularly cold weather, you may find that the water supply has been turned off. This is to prevent the pipes from freezing and bursting. Millfield Allotments Association encourage all tenants to use water saving methods such as water butts and rainwater collection, and allotment holders are encouraged to use water responsibly and efficiently.
  • I already have a plot. Can I get another?
    Unfortunately not. Plots at Millfield Allotments are in very high demand and we have a waiting list to manage. To prevent this list from becoming unmanageable, no plot holder may hold more than 10 rods, or one full plot.
  • What state will my new allotment plot be in when it is allocated to me?
    The Millfield Allotments Association Committee will do their upmost to ensure that new tenants receive a plot that is already in a good workable condition, however, there will be times when this will not be feasible. It will be the responsibility of the new tenant to ensure their plot is in good condition in a timely manner, and weather permitting, one third of the plot must be serviceable within one calendar month of the commencement of the tenancy agreement. Should a tenant's new plot require a substantial amount of work to bring to a usable level, a schedule of work may be agreed between the tenant and the Committee.
  • I've lost my access keys - what do I do?
    If you have lost your gate access keys, please make the Committee aware as soon as possible. The Committee can be contacted through our Contact Us page. A new access key will be arranged upon payment of a new £20 key deposit. The previous £20 key deposit will be forfeited.
  • I'm on the waiting list - how long until I get a plot?
    The waiting list for plots is held by Faversham Town Council. Unfortunately we are not able to inform applicants of how long they can expect to remain on the waiting list before they are offered a plot. Allotment plots usually become available either when a tenant gives up a plot, or if a tenancy has been terminated due to a breach of the tenancy agreement. As a result, it is not possible to predict how many plots may become vacant during any given period. We ask you to be patient whilst waiting for a plot to become available. Once you reach the top of the waiting list and a plot becomes available, you will be contacted by a representative of the Town Council.
  • Can I use weedkiller and pesticides?
    On the 18th of May 2020, Faversham Town Council pledged that Faversham would become a Pesticide Free Town in the wake of the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency that was declared by the council on the 10th June 2019. As a result of this pledge, plot holders are not permitted to use insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides or bactericides at Millfield Allotments.
  • Can I use a hose to water my plants?
    Hoses are not to be used to water a tenant's plot, but may be used to fill up waterbutts during periods of prolonged dry weather. Water saving methods are important and allotment holders are encouraged to use water responsibly, and to collect rainwater and use it first before drawing from the taps.
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